Project Name:
Data Center and IT Facility
Project Location:
Oak Brook, Illinois
Project Type:
Corporate Office & Data Center Cable Infrastructure Installation
In order to consolidate IT operations throughout multiple locations, Kellogg’s built a new IT facility within an existing 80,000 square foot building. In addition to an upgraded structured cabling system for office functions, Kellogg’s also wanted to construct a state-of-the-art, Tier III data center at this facility. This impressive project required a physically secure IT environment, total redundancy in the data center’s critical support infrastructure, and high reliability and operational efficiencies within the IT equipment network, electrical, and mechanical systems.

Advanced Data Technologies installed over 350,000 feet (66 miles) of 4-pair augmented category 6 (10 Gbps) rated cable throughout the data center and office areas and over 6,000 feet (over 1 mile) of 50 micron multimode fiber optic cable (strand count ranges from 12 to 96) in the data center and for the building backbone. 3,144 strands (6,288 connectors) of 50 micron multimode fiber optic cable was installed in the data center and building backbone. About 800 feet of overhead cable runway and 350 feet of under floor cable tray was installed in the data center. The IT facility features more than 375 work areas (outlets) with two category 6a cables each. Additionally, there are 4 telecommunications rooms (2 per floor) with 50-pair copper backbone and 24 strand 50 micron fiber optic backbone. Copper and fiber backbone was routed to the data center from telecommunication rooms via diverse routes. On a less technological note, more than 10,000 Velcro ties were used to support/bundle cable in the data center with a total of approximately 12,000 feet (over 2.5 miles) of Velcro used.